Eid Sacrifice 2024

$66,236 of $80,000 raised

As the blessed Eid al-Adha approaches, so too do the days filled with joy and happiness. During this time, acts of kindness and generosity increase among people through the ritual of sacrificing and distributing the offerings to families who have been harshly affected by circumstances, such that they can no longer afford to buy meat, or perhaps have never even tasted it!

" Hathi Hayati " volunteer group announces the opening of its doors to receive and slaughter your sacrifices, which will continue until the last days of Eid, distributing them to needy families in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. You can ensure that your contributions reach those who truly deserve them through a documentary video that we will attach along with the donor’s name.


قيمة الأضحية- خاروف:850 دولار (غـزة)
قيمة الأضحية- خاروف: 300 دولار( في الشمال السوري و البنان و تركيا و الأردن)
قيمة الأضحية- عجل: 2000 دولار ( في الشمال السوري و البنان و تركيا و الأردن)

Your sacrifice brings them joy!
Donate now, and be the reason for a more beautiful Eid for them.
Wishing you a happy Eid every year.

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Donation Total $25.00


Eid Sacrifice 2024 Amount Donated


Eid Sacrifice 2024 Amount Donated


Eid Sacrifice 2024 Amount Donated


Eid Sacrifice 2024 Amount Donated