Everyone knows the living hardships which the Syrian displaced and refugees around the world are suffering from such as securing a shelter and food which the displaced families in camps and dilapidated houses are thinking about all the time while education comes in the second place after the first priority which includes securing the most important necessities of life such as food , drinks and housing.
At the beginning of every new school year, mothers try to secure what their children need such as a schoolbag , stationery and school uniforms to ensure that their children become relaxed and to secure their necessary needs to spend a good school year, as school supplies are considered ones of the most basic rights of children that protect them from the feeling of inferiority and inequality with the rest of their peers, and the question here is.. do you know how much the deficiency children feel in conflict zones?
The lives of school dropouts:
Having a schoolbag is a kind of happiness that children lost in conflict zones if we do not mention the problems concerning education itself
Most of the children there are accustomed to carrying firewood to light the heater instead of carrying the bag, so is the school bag that carries their future has become an out-of-reach dream?
Educating children has become a luxury that is difficult for them to get , and thinking about it is postponed until parents get rid of the concern of securing food and clothing. Children help their parents either by working or by helping secure what they can bring to their homes which are made of misery and tired dreams.
The danger of the spread of ignorance in northern Syria:
Recent statistics carried out by the Support Coordination Unit (ACU) in cooperation with 22 organizations that work in northwestern Syria indicates that 518,815 children in northern Syria are out of education completely and there is a fear of a crisis of ignorance and poverty because when ignorance spreads in a society , it will lose its values and its children will get lost.It will also face dark days full of difficulties and people who are unaware of the importance of education for raising the level of society and its institutional, value and moral pillars.
What will the days which await for these children be like and how many initiatives, schools and ideas should be carried out to put things back and bring every child who has dropped out of school back to the place he/she belongs to.
Schoolbag initiative:
Hathi Hayati group started an initiative based on the contribution to collecting as many donations as possible to provide schoolbags and study supplies for students who dropped out of school...
in camps and cities in northern Syria and Jordan, where our teams are there to support the most needy families. Our initiative in Hathi Hayati is based on the goal of reviving the desire to learn and spreading awareness of the importance of providing all the requirements of education for those who have dropped out of school by securing the basic needs of children in order to help them go back to school. Contribute with us...
With your donation, we lay the cornerstone for rebuilding a cohesive society and saving its children from early labourer and from following ways that take them to places they do not belong to. Bag contents:
Bag contents:
Through the campaign, we are going to provide orphans and the disadvantaged children with schoolbags and stationery .The bag will contain: school notebooks, pens , pencils, a pencil case, an eraser, a sharpener, a ruler, a color box and engineering tools which will be sufficient for them all the semester.
You can sponsor a child in Syria and Jordan with a schoolbag and stationery which are worth 15$.
You can donate to the bag campaign